Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Get Students Motivated!

I believe that by using technology in teaching, you automatically have a student's interest. Students love working on the computer (at all ages). By starting a wiki in your classroom, and allowing your students to contribute to their class wiki, you will get a lot of input and participation. You are also teaching them valuable skills, which they may use in the real world. They are learning to participate and interact in a group project. You may allow them to decide what they want to use the class wiki for. Some ideas would be to help each other, through peer tutoring , on assignments they are having problems with. Or they could publish poetry or expressive writing. This gives students the opportunity to use creative thinking and self regulation skills. In doing this students are learning, improving their writing skills, and having fun while doing it. A suggested website to use for creating a wiki is pbwiki.
Pam G.

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